M³ (Nee Soon)
Dajie Holdings constantly sponsored and worked together with M³@Nee Soon to distribute food.
November 16, 2022
A Food Distribution Drive event was held by MP Faishal district named “M³ Food Distribution by Blk 701B Yishun Avenue 5″ sponsoring by Dajie Holdings.
February 18, 2023
A Food Distribution Drive event was held by MP Faishal district named “M³ Food Distribution by Yishun Fern Grove RC at Blk 675C & Blk 675D Yishun Avenue 4” sponsoring by Dajie Holdings.
December 17, 2023
Dajie Holdings worked together with M³@Nee Soon and Nee Soon South CC to distribute food to residents in elderly block at 508B Yishun Street 51.
Wish to take part in charity?
Reach out to us today to schedule a meeting.
Please email to hi@dajie.com.sg